Natural Wellness: CBD Products for Your Yoga Class

Yoga and cannabidiol (CBD) are a match made in heaven. Yoga’s holistic approach to health extends far beyond the muscles to help improve breathing, mental health and balance. As an inherently holistic practice, it only makes sense that yoga would work harmoniously with CBD products.

Much like yoga, CBD has been praised for its numerous positive effects. The hemp-derived substance has been said to help with pain management, assist in relaxation and provide dozens of other benefits. Since CBD is a natural substance that may be able to improve a person’s health, it only makes sense that yoga instructors have been keen to offer CBD products to their yoga classes.

If you’re a yoga instructor who has decided to take the leap into CBD, you probably have quite a few questions. That’s why we’ve created this handy guide, to help people like you learn about the many benefits of CBD and how it can improve your class members’ yoga practice. You’ll discover information about all of that and more as we explore the following topics:

  • Why Should Yoga Instructors Sell CBD?
  • Potential CBD Benefits for Yoga
  • Great CBD Products for Yoga Classes

Why Should Yoga Instructors Sell CBD?

Both yoga and CBD focus on a view of health that is more holistic than most other products and workout practices. Even as other workout trends have started to shift towards a more comprehensive understanding of the body, yoga stands out as one of the sole physical practices that cares about things beyond the body. In this way, CBD and yoga are quite similar.

CBD doesn’t just have a singular benefit. The claimed benefits of cannabidiol range from positive impacts on sleep and mental health to improved pain management. Not only are there commonalities between CBD and yoga in the wide breadth of their benefits, they also work well in tandem. Let’s take a look as some of the ways that cannabidiol can help enhance a yoga practice and further improve the benefits of yoga.

Potential CBD Benefits for Yoga

The two most intuitive benefits of CBD when it comes to a yoga practice are pain management and relaxation. People who have practiced yoga for even a short period of time tend to praise its pain relieving effects. In particular, the practice is excellent for relieving back pain because of its focus on slow, deliberate motions and stretches.

One of the most commonly cited benefits of CBD is its potential to influence and reduce pain perception and inflammation. With these benefits combined, using CBD while practicing yoga may result in an even greater level of pain reduction.

While most yoga practitioners start yoga for the fitness benefits, many stick with it long term for the mental health benefits. With the exception of a few high-intensity variants, yoga focuses on slow movements and breathing. This promotes body awareness and focus, which are excellent for improving mindfulness and mental health. Many classes also finish off with Shavasana, or corpse pose, which is a brief period of silence and rest. This helps center you after a strenuous workout and gives you time to let your mind rest.

CBD has also been praised for its potential to help users relax. By using CBD after or even before a yoga class, you can extend your moment of peace or even find a deeper state of relaxation during the workout. And because cannabidiol is non-intoxicating, it is safe to use prior to a workout. However, users should try CBD a few times prior to doing so, as it affects people differently.

Great CBD Products for Yoga Classes

Just like there are many different styles of yoga, there are many different CBD products. Each product has a different set of targeted effects, making them ideal for specific situations. Here are three different products that we recommend for yoga instructors to add to their retail offerings.


Tinctures are an edible oil made from industrial hemp plants. Their concentrated nature makes them a potent and effective way to consume CBD. The oils come in various flavors, so there’s sure to be something for even the pickiest customer. Many tinctures even contain phytonutrients that may help benefit health beyond the commonly cited benefits of CBD.


Topical CBD products are applied directly to a troublesome area to help relieve pain. This type of product is perfect for yoga practitioners who suffer from back pain. Topicals may also be useful after a targeted yoga workout to help reduce inflammation in specific muscles.


CBD edibles are one of the most popular categories of CBD products. Edibles are common food items created to deliver cannabidiol to the bloodstream through ingestion. They are great for people who want to experience the benefits of CBD but don’t like the taste of tinctures or concentrates.

Start Selling CBD Products at Your Yoga Class Today!

As you can see, there’s no shortage of reasons why someone would want to add CBD products to their yoga practice. The benefits of CBD and yoga frequently overlap, enhancing one another to create a superior experience.

If you’d like to start selling hemp-derived CBD at your yoga studio, you’ve come to the right place. US Hemp Wholesale is the premier provider of wholesale hemp and CBD products, and we have a stellar history of helping businesses like yours expand their retail offerings with cannabidiol. All of our products are lab tested and meet the latest federal regulations. Take the first step into this booming industry by filling out our vendor form today!

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