Providing the Best Customer Service in the CBD Industry [Here’s How]

customer service cbd industry

In a wellness industry such as CBD, customer service plays a major role. Humans are inquisitive by nature, especially when it comes to health. Even with the proper education on your website, customers are sure to have additional questions.

Whether regarding serving size, product recommendations, or order information, we need to be prepared to answer each question thoroughly and to our best knowledge.

For a CBD website, customer service is the only point of contact a customer has with your business. A positive experience will be to the benefit of both the customer and your business.

As with many aspects of the CBD industry, customer service has a select set of guidelines we suggest following. We spoke with our Retail Manager to discuss the specifics of providing the best customer service in the CBD industry.


“I learned by doing. You have to jump right in.”

The best way to serve your customers is to be knowledgeable. CBD is a new industry and there is much to learn about the product. “It’s still new to everybody,” our Retail Manager says.

To begin, she suggests creating an FAQ sheet.

This will not only help you to learn the basics but also give you a reference for the questions you’ll frequently encounter. It may be helpful to look at other CBD websites and see how they are answering questions. Just remember, the industry is always changing; make sure to update your FAQ consistently.

(Read: CBD Frequently Asked Questions and Answers)

After a time, you’ll find that the answers to frequently asked questions will come naturally. “Repetition is key,” our Retail Manager says.

“Asking questions is how you learn.”

“Anybody I’ve ever talked to would rather you say, ‘That’s a great question; I’m not 100% sure. Do you mind if I put you on hold? I would rather give you the right answer than the wrong answer.’ They would rather get the right information.”

As you are learning, it’s okay to ask questions. In fact, your customers are sure to appreciate your dedication to finding them the right answer.

“They [the customer] would rather get the right information.”

If you’re working with a team, it is easy to connect with others for help. If you’re working on your own, however, where do you turn to? It is important to keep in mind how much you can answer. While Google is a great resource, you shouldn’t search for answers to everything. For example, customer service should not provide information regarding interactions with medication.

Keep in mind: we are not doctors, lawyers, or law officers.

Providing information that is out of your area of responsibility will not benefit your business or the customer.

“We are here to help, but there is a point where we shouldn’t be giving information,” says our Retail Manager. In these cases, it’s best to direct the customer to the proper source to receive more information, such as their practitioner.


“It’s very strict with the FDA regulations.”

Similar to writing content online, customer service cannot make claims about CBD products. It is best to familiarize yourself with the language you can use according to the FDA.



Oftentimes, customers will ask for medical recommendations. “We always start out with ‘We are not doctors so we cannot diagnose, treat, cure or prescribe,’ and ‘Due to FDA regulations we are not able to recommend products.’ But we don’t want them to think we’re just going to be robots.” Our Retail Manager suggests proceeding by helping them figure out the best product through preference, such as taste and method. “9 times out of 10 they understand,” she says.

“…we don’t want them [the customers] to think we’re just going to be robots.”

People will also ask if others have had success with CBD, and, as tempting as it may be, we cannot share other’s testimonials. “It’s one of those things I wish I could share,” says our Retail Manager. “Even though I can’t, it’s still nice to know.”

Unfortunately, there is no leniency when it comes to the language you use over the phone or through email. At first, it may be difficult to remember what you can and cannot say but, again, with time, it will become a more natural practice.


“I’ll always have them [my customers] at the back of my mind.”

Empathy is one of the greatest tools you can use in customer service. “A lot of people are using this [CBD] as an alternative or as a last resort,” says our Retail Manager. “You have to be empathetic to people.”

At all times, the customer should be the focus of the conversation.

While CBD business must abide by FDA regulations, there are many ways we can support others on their journey to wellness.


Customer Service in the CBD Industry

Customer service in the CBD industry is a fine balance between helping people and taking FDA regulations into account. It is important to know what questions are within your realm and when to refer the customer elsewhere.

Customer service is one of the most rewarding parts of running a CBD business. Hearing how hemp products have transformed lives is why we at US Hemp Wholesale are in the industry. Do you have any additional questions about providing customer service in the CBD industry? Feel free to reach out to our team!

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