Product Spotlight: Pure CBD Oil Concentrates

CBD oil concentrates are a raw hemp oil extracted from the hemp plant. US Hemp Wholesale CBD oil concentrates are in their purest form with no added ingredients. CBD oil concentrates are great for frequent CBD users who could benefit from a potent CBD product.

The US Hemp Wholesale CBD oil concentrates come in an easy-to-dispense package and is available in 1g, 3g, and 10g syringes that are capped and sealed for quality and safety. Similar to a tincture, this product is held under the tongue and then swallowed.

Types of Concentrates

Available are three different versions of CBD concentrates.

Raw Version: The green label CBD oil concentrate is our raw version. The raw version has not gone through any processing or filtration and contains the highest amount of phytonutrients from the hemp plant. Because of the high amount of phytonutrients, the raw version offers many health benefits.

Blue Version: Once our CBD oil concentrates have been heated and activated, we have the blue version, which allows customers to get the full benefits of CBD. Decarboxylation refers to a chemical reaction to turn inactive CBD components into active components. This process takes place in our lab, where we heat the oil and extract CO2.

Gold Version: For the gold version of CBD oil concentrates, the hemp oil is filtered to remove any extra plant material. This turns the thick paste into a tinted gel. By filtering any extra material out, this version now has the highest concentration of CBD by volume, although it now contains fewer phytonutrients. The gold version is great for those who want a stronger CBD product.

Why Choose CBD Oil Concentrates?

Concentrated hemp oils are ideal for those with serious wellness goals. Your customers will appreciate the benefits of each variation and the choice of three different concentrates. Frequent CBD users will enjoy this pure and highly concentrated CBD product.

Partnering with US Hemp

When you partner with US Hemp, you can begin selling our CBD oil concentrates, the purest and strongest CBD product on the market.  To learn more about our products or how to partner with US Hemp Wholesale, contact us at (844)387-4367.

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