How Do I Become a CBD Distributor?
We hear this question a lot at US Hemp Wholesale. The CBD industry has been booming for more than half a decade and every day it attracts new entrepreneurs and businesspeople. The problem is, most people don’t know how they can get their foot in the door.
At US Hemp Wholesale, we are CBD distributors that help people like you add CBD products to their own store. Whether you run a retail store, have your own chiropractic or acupuncture practice, or you help people improve their health through personal training or physical therapy, we can put the right CBD products in your hands.
This article outlines the basics of how to become a CBD distributor. But keep in mind there is no one-size solution, because every situation is unique. That’s why we’ve chosen to outline many of the most popular ways that CBD distributors get started, so that you can make the right choice for you, your business, and your customers.