The CBD manufacturing process can seem complex when you’re first trying to understand it, but it’s actually much simpler than you might imagine. It’s always worth it understand this vital process as it influences the final quality of every product you can sell.
Because of the importance of this element of CBD, not everyone is willing to discuss their manufacturing process. Additionally, there are a few different ways to perform extractions and product creations, so even those who are willing to share their process may not use the process that most interests you.
At US Hemp Wholesale, we care deeply about the quality of the products that we sell you. More than that, we care that you understand the CBD manufacturing process as someone who sells these product. This resource page is designed to help you learn about CBD manufacturing methods so that you have the knowledge to empower yourself as you search for the right CBD manufacturer.
To help you learn more about CBD manufacturing, we’ve broken down the CBD manufacturing process into the following steps, each of which is discussed in its own distinct section:
Extraction Methods
At industrial scale, there are two primary methods of CBD extraction used in the manufacturing process. These methods are ethanol extraction and CO2 extraction. The following is a brief explanation of how each extraction method is used in CBD manufacturing.
Ethanol Extraction: Ethanol extraction is a popular method of CBD oil extraction thanks to its ease and scalability. This method involves taking hemp and then soaking it in ethanol. Once the hemp has begun to soften and break apart, the hemp and ethanol solution is strained to remove solid materials. The liquid portion of the solution is then set to evaporate. Because ethanol has a low evaporation point, it evaporates away quickly, leaving behind a crude hemp extract. This can then be further distilled into pure CBD oils, or directly made into concentrates or tinctures.
The ethanol extraction method of CBD manufacturing is widely used because of its low cost and ability to be used at flexible scale. However, some manufacturers prefer other methods because ethanol extraction is difficult to completely control, and does not result in a pure cannabinoid extract as CO2 extraction does.
CO2 Extraction: In recent years, as the technology has become easier to obtain and utilize, CO2 extraction has actually surpassed ethanol extraction as the most popular CBD manufacturing method. This process results in a purer end product than ethanol extraction can produce.
In CO2 extraction, pressurized carbon dioxide is used to separate CBD, and other cannabinoids, from the plant itself. Because it does not involve soaking or evaporation, there is little risk of contamination, resulting in a purer end product.
The primary disadvantage of CO2 extraction is the cost of the equipment needed to perform the process. As a result, smaller manufacturers tend to use ethanol extraction rather than CO2, despite the advantages of the latter.
Infusion/Product Creation Process
The infusion/product creation process in CBD manufacturing is by far the most variable element in the entire manufacturing process. What goes on depends greatly on the product being created. For instance, a tincture may be completely ready as soon as an ethanol extraction finishes, while a topical cream will require CBD oil to be mixed with other ingredients that have positive benefits for skin. CBD manufacturers must also be careful to ensure that the ingredients they add to their products do not render the CBD itself inert.
Because there is such a diversity to the methodologies used to infuse products, and such a diversity of products, it’s impossible to detail the whole infusion process. However, when viewed generally, this whole portion of the CBD manufacturing process hinges on adding active CBD, typically in the form of CBD oil, to other ingredients that make the CBD more effective or more palatable.
Third-Party Lab Testing
While not considered an essential step of the CBD manufacturing process, any reputable manufacturer engages in third-party laboratory testing. The reasons for doing so are twofold.
The first reason is that third-party lab testing ensures that your products meet all the regulations needed in order to be sold within your area. This is essential for anyone looking to run a business while minimizing risk.
The other reason for getting your CBD products tested by a third-party lab is that it allows you to provide your customers with more detailed information on the product. Having this documentation in hand enables them to make better informed decisions regarding their product choices.
Rely on US Hemp Wholesale as Your CBD Manufacturer
CBD manufacturing can feel like a complex process if you’ve never done it before. Thankfully, you don’t have to be a manufacturer to sell CBD. At US Hemp Wholesale, we manufacture pure, laboratory tested CBD products that meet all federal standards and come with Certificates of Analysis to prove it. Contact us today to see how we can help you get your hands on the products your customers want!